Peer Evaluations

College Survey Services has developed an integrated approach to the evaluation of instructional effectiveness. This approach combines the results from the Student Questionnaire on Instruction with the results from the:


The TPS-I instrument consists of a series of 12 items which will be weighted such that, in the aggregate, the instrument is a legitimate reflection of what the “department” views as good teaching practices. This rendition then allows a to-be-evaluated instructor to describe fully, the pedagogical steps s/he has taken in the preparation, and teaching of a particular course. The completed TPS-I evaluation is then reviewed by the instructor’s peers and department chair who offer their insight to evaluate the extent to which a course has been taught effectively. The TPS-I was deliberately designed to function in concert with the SQOI (Student Questionnaire on Instruction) from College Survey Services, but could be redesigned to match your unique survey. The coordinated use of these two instruments makes it possible to view teaching performance from the joint perspectives of peers and students. This process does not require any in-class visitation by the instructor’s chair or department colleagues.