Statistical Reports

College Survey Services reporting is flexible and programmed to provide the data that is important to you. Overall column averages, percentages, percentile brackets, mean, full-time, part-time, course level or type, College Survey Services will tailor the statistical report to you institution's desires.

Our course and instructor evaluation statistical reports display students’ responses to a series of prompts. These reports provide valuable data that is put into perspective by comparing this course section to others within the college, department, discipline, or all courses taught by this instructor. Make informed decisions from easy-to-read comparisons delivered all on one page. Our statistical reports are your hub for data-based decision-making!

  • All courses the same
  • All courses taught by this instructor
  • All courses in this department, division, program
  • All courses this type, level, FT/PT, online
  • All on campus, college or university-wide
  • Add percentile brackets, percentages, overall column averages

Your dynamic semester reports are delivered via our secure FTP site and via flash
drives created for each department for safe keeping.

Take a break and have us email individual instructor’s reports directly to their inboxes.

Testemonial Pic
“Like most community colleges, we face the challenge of operating on a minimal budget while trying to fulfill expectations as high as those at four-year research institutions. College Survey Services has met that challenge. CSS has given us excellent personalized service; they have been conscientious about details and deadlines; they have tailored our reports exactly as we requested; and they did it all at a price that fit into our budget. We have reviewed many similar agencies over the years, and CSS stands head and shoulders above them all. ”
West Kentucky Community and Technical College
Karen Boyd, Coordinator Institutional Research